¿Cómo un vídeo, con 2 millones de píxeles por imagen, puede ser tan pequeño para ser almacenado, descargado y reproducido en un dispositivo? El doctor ingeniero por la Universidad Ghent de Bélgica Glenn Van Wallendael  impartirá el seminario “The world of Video Compression” en el que explicará las últimas técnicas de compresión de vídeo y los estándares por los que se rigen. El seminario se celebra el próximo jueves 22 de diciembre, a partir de las 15 horas, en el aula 1.1 del edificio Altabix, y se enmarca en el programa de la asignatura Aplicaciones Multidisciplinares de las Telecomunicaciones del Máster.


Summary “The world of Video Compression”

From every device I encounter in my life, I like to know how it works. Well, 10 years ago, I wondered how video, with 2.000.000 pixels per image, can be made so small that it can be stored, downloaded and displayed on my device. During this seminar, I will explain where we are today, what techniques are being used, and where the video compression community is heading. Actually, there are two communities, the one using patents, and the one being against patents, and you will understand their positions better after the talk. So, did you ever wonder who develops standards like MP3 or MP4 and how this is done? For the standardization activities of HEVC, imagine up to 1000 international developers from competing companies in a meeting room discussing gradual improvements of less than 1% during 10 full days in a row. Doing this four times a year, that is MPEG. Even with these standards, if you wonder why a video is not playing on your device as it should be, this seminar can provide you with insight.


CV Glenn Van Wallendael